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 Parents as Teachers
Affiliate Support 

Ongoing affiliate support is available to Parents as Teachers Affiliates through monthly meetings, bi-annual coordinators meetings and by reaching out to the North Carolina State Leader or Parents as Teachers National Center Implementation Support Specialist for individualized support. 

Monthly Implementation Support

Affiliate Coordinators and Administrators are invited to attend monthly implementation support meetings focused on how to meet essential requirements and program standards in order to maintain quality and fidelity across programs in NC.  Parents as Teachers National Center updates are provided during this meeting.  Monthly Implementation Support meetings are generally held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at noon et.  

Coordinators Meetings

Coordinator Meetings provide a time for coordinators to come together to dig deeper into topics of their interest, hear Parents as Teacher National Center updates as well as the latest state and national Home Visiting development updates.  It is also a time to renew professional energy and supportive relationships with peers.  These meetings are generally held in the Spring and Fall for a two-day period.

Target Fidelity Project

This project features targeted implementation support with the mission of model fidelity or meeting all 21 Essential Requirements.  Programs are invited to participate in TFP when one or more essential requirements are missed on their Annual Performance Report.   Participation is not mandatory but strongly recommended. 


The project will entail monthly meetings where we will  partner with you and review data, celebrate success, address challenges, and identify strategies that will help you meet the Essential Requirements that were missed on the last Affiliate Performance Report:

New Affiliate Orientation

The National Center has designed this process of new affiliate support to mirror services to families.  They have developed eight foundational plans that will help introduce you to the resources you will need to manage a high-quality Parents as Teachers program.

  1. Welcome

  2. The PAT E-Business portal, O.L.I.V.E.R., The Model Implementation Workspace, and Customer Support

  3. Your Affiliate Plan, Essential Requirements, timelines, and the AIM

  4. The Data in Motion Records & Data Driven Practice

  5. Community Engagement, Recruitment, Retention, Group Connections

  6. The Supervisors Handbook, Quality Assurance Tools

  7. The Parent Educator, professional development, Staff meetings, Reflective Supervision

  8. Policies & Procedures

  9. Affiliate Performance Report, Quality Standards


Once the coordinator of a new affiliate has completed the Foundational and Model Implementation training, they are eligible to participate in the 9-session New Affiliate Orientation. Fidelity to the model takes time and intentionality, and these orientation meetings have been developed around Implementation Science research and the idea that development of a program depends on ongoing technical assistance.

For more information  contact: 

Patti Learman
NC State Leader

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